Background Information
I'm Jake, I'm from the United Kingdom and I have been programming since I was 14 years old. What got me into programming was when I was home-schooled. I used to play Halo: CE everyday, I remember seeing a player shooting logs with a pistol and I wondered, how?
I began modding games at the start, whether it was hex or actual data replacement mods, I was one of the few that helped to mod DMC3 on PC and also help setup the new DmC mod portal (Though I think it's changed to a forum now?).
After modding died down for me I wanted to learn how games were actually made, I began learning VB6 to make things like IRC clients, proxies and simple web browsers. I moved on to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript and went on to create TheBlueInferno a website I took to College with me that enabled me to view content via a proxy and bypass blocked websites.
During College (But not part of the coursework) I began learning C# in my spare time, it's a language I've been using since I began to learn it and it's what I primarily code in now.
I began using Unity3D around 3 years ago where I began with simple horror and platformer games. Once I'd become comfortable enough I spent a lot of time collaborating on projects.
One project was a SciFi Tactical Shooter, it had real promise and the concept was amazing (IMO) I had helped create the networking (Using PUN but all written by myself), setup a lobby system, I had setup player movement, aiming, weapon management and even the weapon customization (You could create weapons from parts [Barrel, Stock, Frame, Trigger, etc]).
After 6 months in we had a playable game with a couple placeholder models and a very basic map, for whatever reason the project lead who recruited us all stopped coming online, we carried on creating the project but he shortly deleted the PUN key so the networking didn't work, removed the twitter, indiedb and facebook pages.
Being quite new to Unity I deleted my end of the project as most of the team did before parting ways as I thought it was unfinished it wouldn't be valuable as proof of work, I've been using Unity as a hobby project ever since and I've finally decided I want to become part of a Team again but this time I'd like to be in control of the pages and what not so that the above doesn't happen again.